Ditch the Detox


A lot of events have happened lately. In your personal world and the world around you. Sometimes it feels toxic. While suffocating all energy and hope from who you are, several ideas and creative expressions of detoxing your life present themselves. Some of them are colorful, others painful, and yet others still being invented. While all of those may sound good, does it last or do you have to try it again later? Let me be courageous in saying Ditch the DETOX! Instead of finding intensive quick ways of cleaning out your life, how about a lifestyle of hope and joy where you never need a detox but maybe just a quick pick me up and reminder. That’s not to say that I don’t occasionally get lost in the toxic world and need brought back to the reality of who I am and the power that I carry. Instead of looking for the next quick fix, live a life full of purpose and hope. I can already hear the questions swirling around in your head. “So how do I live a life full of purpose when everything around me is hopeless and falling apart?” “There is no hope!” “What are you talking about?” “Can I really believe that I am powerful?” “How can I live a purposeful life?” and so on….

This realization for me started when I realized that I was hopeless about my life and current situation. I was trying to feel hope again and get myself to realize who I really was. But try after try, they were only quick fixes. Nothing worked until the Lord intervened through community, reminding me who I was and what I brought to my world around me. In a moment the Lord removed all doubt and hopelessness and I began to see my purpose again. I felt great for a few days then those haunting thoughts of doubt and depression tried to return, but I was quick to recognize them and decided in that moment that they would not ruin what the Lord did for me, nor would they control me again. Later, some hopelessness started creeping in again. I did not think much of it but pushed it away, until something I just happened to read jolted my thought process with a swift download of fresh revelation. Doubt starts with what you put in. So what are you listening to? What are you watching and/or reading? Is it full of hope or degrading with every word? We have all heard the saying, “what you put in comes out.” Well it is true. But it goes much deeper than we realize or give it credit for. So its time to stop listening to the depressing voices around you, whether through the media, news, movies, books, etc. Maybe its a friend who does nothing but tear you down. Well it is time to ditch them. Did she just say that? Yes I did!

Love produces freedom and freedom produces a sense of hope and purpose We must be careful what we allow to speak into our lives. The only way to rebuild hope is to put love in! Love produces freedom and freedom produces a sense of hope and purpose. If you want a life full of purpose and overfilling with hope, stop what your tuning into and put the opposite in. This may mean a complete lifestyle change. However, one I think you will be happy with in the end. Its time to tune into the things that make you smile! Tune into love! Tune into GOD! He will never let you down! Some of you maybe thinking, “he does’t have anything good for me, you have no idea what I’ve done.” Well I got news for you, while he was dying on the cross, the man crucified next to him, who was being punished for murder, first mocked him then realized he wanted in on the love. So that night he went and spent paradise in heaven. So Love can be yours! It is just time to tune in. Go ahead! You can do it! I have faith in you! It is time to ditch the detox and tune into love! Lets get rid of doubt and stomp on hopelessness!

#weareinthistogether #yougotthis #tuneintolove